Celebrating Phase 2 Project Completion

NVP Energy is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed and closed out the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2 project.

The objective to design, deliver, commission & disseminate the results has been a tremendous success from start to finish.

-The project commenced in October 2016, when design work for the step-changing new technology scale-up began in earnest.
-Site works and commissioning was completed in April 2017, with wastewater first accepted for treatment from Arrabawn Dairies.
-Analysis of operation & maintenance took place for over 12 months, ensuring success in the operation of the system for its design life.
-1 year of successful operation celebrated in April 2018.
-Dissemination efforts throughout the project resulted in further contract wins for Lt-AD technology to be delivered in 2018.

NVP Energy are now setting their sights further afield, with expansion to mainland Europe and the US on the horizon. Now that this step-changing technology has been proven at full commercial scale, it gives prospective customers a strong reference case to compare their own site with. This will serve to drive sales of Lt-AD technology worldwide.

Arrabawn Dairies expressed their satisfaction at the professional delivery of the project by the consortium in a published video detailing the project:

For more information, get in touch:

Some images of the completed Lt-AD system operating at Arrabawn Dairies, Galway, Ireland.

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